BigWeather's Blog

June 10, 2016

Mount Vesuvius

Filed under: Travel — Tags: — BigWeather @ 11:59 am

We got up really early (before 6am) to catch our bus to Sorrento. On the way to Sorrento we stopped by Mt. Vesuvius. The volcano is currently in a period of inactivity. It has to separate slopes the new and the old. The climb up and down the slope was very steep but the pay off is worth it.

Mt. Vesuvius

Mt. Vesuvius

Road up a portion of the volcano

Road up a portion of the volcano


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Inside the volcano

Inside the volcano

A section of the walkway up the volcano

A section of the walkway up the volcano

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After visiting the mountain we went into Sorrento for checking into our rooms and dinner.

Views of the Mediterranean

Views of the Mediterranean


After dinner at a really good pizza place we went to a limoncello factory and shop. I learned that I am not a fan of limoncello. It is super bitter and sour. They did have good cookies and balsamic vinegar.

limoncello shop

limoncello shop


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