BigWeather's Blog

October 23, 2011

New version of Into the New World available…

Filed under: Game Development — Tags: — BigWeather @ 2:30 am

Well, that took longer than expected!  I spent an extra week and then some polishing and adding features.  It also actually feels like a game now, in that it has a beginning and end (in death or return to Europe).  It has rudimentary discovery of points of interest, trading, and combat.  It is lacking quite a bit (captains, building, Europe for the most part, etc.) but it’s a definite step towards what I originally imagined for this game.  Also note that the combat window is a bit… bare bones… and I really, really need to put tooltips everywhere.  Also don’t take all of the Natives’ food — I haven’t put in code to protect against that (but will soon).

Get the latest version here.

The explorer encounters a city upon disembarking

October 12, 2011

Columbus Day again…

Filed under: Game Development — Tags: — BigWeather @ 11:55 pm

Well, it’s been a year since I “announced” my game, “Into the New World.”  I didn’t work very much on it for much of the intervening year except for design and some base class work but the last two months I’ve really started to buckle down on it.  In a few hours I hope to release what can best be described as an alpha — giving a feel for the flow of the game at least.  Anyhow, back to coding…

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